Personal Loan

Realize Your Dreams, Fulfill Your Needs

At Essa Finance, we understand that life is filled with dreams, needs, and aspirations. Our Personal Loan service is designed to make those dreams a reality and meet your personal financial needs. Whether it’s a dream vacation, a special purchase, or any other personal requirement, Essa Finance is here to help you take that first step.


A Personal Loan from Essa Finance is more than just financial assistance; it’s a passport to realizing your dreams. It is an unsecured loan that allows individuals to access funds based on their salary. We offer two distinct categories of Personal Loans, each catering to specific needs: Salary Transfer Loans and Non-Salary Transfer Loans. Regardless of your choice, our Personal Loans are here to make your life easier and your dreams more achievable.

Eligibility Criteria

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to fulfill their personal needs and dreams. To be eligible for a Personal Loan with Essa Finance, you should meet the following criteria:

Essa Finance’s Personal Loans are designed to empower individuals, enabling them to fulfill their personal dreams and requirements. No matter what your needs are, we are here to support you in making them a reality. Apply for a Personal Loan with Essa Finance today and embark on the journey toward financial freedom and personal satisfaction. Your dreams are our priority.

Other Bank Buy Out

Non Salary Transfer Loan

Salary Transfer Loan

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